1. Patrick J. Adams is
an amazing photographer. Most of the photos hanging in Rachel’s office are taken by
2. Even though Louis
Litt loves cats, Rick Hoffman is allergic to them. So whenever he had to shoot
with a cat, EpiPens and inhalers were available.
4. Gina Torres is
married to Laurence Fishburne(Morpheus in the Matrix movies). Fans have been
campaigning for her to play Wonder Woman.
5. Gabriel Macht’s
father played Harvard Law Ethics professor Gerard Specter. His wife played jury
consultant Zoe Lawford too.
6. Olympic champion
Michael Phelps played himself on suits.
8. Meghan Markle didn't
wait tables like a struggling actress. She did calligraphy for celebrity wedding
invitations and holiday correspondence.
9. Gabriel Macht and
Sarah Rafferty have been friends for 20 years and Macht had recommended
Rafferty as Donna.

11. Both Meghan Markle
and Abigail Spencer, who plays Scottie, were born on August 4, 1981.
12. There is a flashback
episode in each season except for the first season.
13. There was going
to be a male boss instead of Jessica. Thanks Aaron Korsh for serious #girlboss
14. Suits seems to love Game
of Thrones. GoT cast members make guest appearances from time to time, including
Michelle Fairey (Catelyn Stark) who plays Ava Hessington, and Conleth Hill
(Edward Darby) who plays Lord Varys.
15. Harvey’s office has a
ton of awesome stuff but it doesn't have any drawers.
1. Mike and Rachel will
appear for the bar exams together.
2. Jessica Pearson never
went to college that's why she understood Mike’s situation.
3. Harvey and Donna have
always been together and that's why Harvey never got too deep in a
4. Mike is actually
Harvey's brother from the same mother and he was adopted by another family.
-By Rtr. Pranjal Shah
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