The Blank Sheets

 “You can’t skip this Salman Khan movie just to watch that stupid Jamie Oliver Show. X auntie’s Facebook post says the message behind it is eye-opening.”

“Shut up already about Greece dude, I need to tell you about how much of a pain this random girl is.”

“How dare you worry about the systems based on oppression and not care about bettering your outer appearance that’s not going to last that long anyway?”

* Uncomfortable silence at dinner tables across the country *
. . .
This year we bring to you, THE BLANK SHEET: OF AN UNTERRIFIED TEENAGER, a blog about things that deserve attention by someone that is the most condescendence-worthy inconvenience and the most petrifying fear of today’s average adult: A TEENAGER WITH POLITICAL OPINIONS.

* Aunties sitting at kitty party let out a collective gasp *

Don’t get us wrong. We are not here to rant about how misunderstood we are. Or how ignored a lot of times. We aren’t saying that we know everything about everything. But we are saying that we want to learn. We want to question are own beliefs and opinions and share the little knowledge that we do happen to have with each other. And have a laugh here and there along the way.

We may be wrong, hypocritical and judgmental at times. This is just us trying to grow. As usual, it is going to be through snark and sarcasm. It’s our way of making current events and social issues sound more interesting than click-bait articles. We might fail, again and again. But each time, we’ll fail better.
Because that’s how we roll. And that’s how we remind ourselves that we have a voice.


- Rtr Ginita Sahni

International Service Director 2015-16

Rotaract Club of NM College


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