Saudi Arabia: From now we will allow our women to vote and run for office.

The world: Oh yeah! This is such a progressive step.  * happy dance * * collective  yaaaas *

Saudi Arabia: However, the opposition from the male family members might make it very difficult them to obtain the ID cards, even though they are legally allowed to do so. * lol max *

The world: …

Saudi Arabia:  The guardianship system which gives male relatives legal control over many aspects of women’s lives. Through it, women are barred from attending school, working, traveling abroad, filing a lawsuit, or, in some cases, even receiving medical treatment, without the permission of their fathers, brothers, or husbands.

The world: …

Saudi Arabia: Additionally, a woman’s testimony in court is often worth half that of a man, and daughters receive half of the inheritance that sons are given. Oh, and also, women are also forbidden from driving cars.

The world: Okay. Never mind.

Saudi Arabia: I know right!  Yay misogyny!!

Saudi Arabia: Now, what were you saying about our progressive society?

- Rtr Ginita Sahni

International Services Director

Rotaract Club of NM Colloge


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