As the grotesque Mister Jones leaps at you, you use your whip to strike his leg but he blocks it and brandishes a heavy chain that wraps around your fist and immobilizes you.

"Nice try lad but I wont go down as easily as krook.

Now how about this -

You comply with me and I'll make your death painless and quick"

You need to think quick and formulate a plan.

Suddenly it strikes you.

I can be of help to you...

The chain will be his undoing.

You murmur a reply "OK I shall comply."


Mr. Jones starts approaching slowly...

"Just a bit closer," you think to yourself
Close enough! You pull the chain and Mr Jones along with it.

You pass the whip from your trapped hand to your free hand and take a slice at his face.

However he swiftly moves his free hand and stops the attack, sacrificing his arm in the process.

He then pulls you closer and tries to bite your face.

You quickly launch your whip to slash his torso.

Mr. Jones yells in pain but he's still in one piece.

You feel a rush of adrenaline.

You keep slashing - again and again.

The cries of pain seem to make you more and more excited and you keep attaching till his torso is ripped completely to shreds.

You finally swing your whip and cut his head off.

The freshly cut head rolls onto the blood-filled floor.

It is done.

You have killed Mister Jones.

You start laughing maniacally.

His decapitated head just seems to amuse you more and more.

Suddenly, there appears a hologram of a man in a labcoat.

He seems well built,

but his face cannot be seen.

The hologram then speaks in a very deep, dark and unsettling voice.

"You killed Krook and Jones..

They both were pretty strong.

But losing to a mere lowly maggot like you is shameful.
No matter..I shall restore the pride of the Death Citadel!"

You feel gears moving beneath your feet and suddenly the hologram says:

"There is a door rising from your left and another door you will see to your right.  Each door requires a key.

This key is inside Mr Jones' skull. You'll have to crush it to get it.

But the key can only be used once.

Take the door on the left if you want to settle this once and for all with me - the head of the Death Citadel
Or take the door on the right to exit the Death Citadel.
Mind you I will not make it easy for you to escape."

You destroy Jones' skull and lift the key from inside the jelly-like brain fluids.

Now you choose:


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