
Remember that time when your parents leave you home alone for the first time? That amazing feeling of freedom to do as you please—but as the clock ticks and the night approaches every slight sound in the otherwise still house making you shudder.

First let me make one thing clear-those sounds you probably hear at any time of the day, they’re not the “house adjusting” or “nonexistent” as your parents might say. They’re… “those things.” Yes. Supernatural ones.

So this one time my parents left me home alone. And I have to admit, it was pretty cool in the beginning. I had absolutely no restrictions-be it food or television or whatsoever. Finally as it started to get dark I decided to retire for bed.

As I climbed the flight of stairs, a strange sound-like that of scratching nails could heard from above me. Faint, almost inaudible but it was possible to even hear a pin drop in my house. It was then that it struck me-nobody lived upstairs.

I stood transfixed, my pulse rising and I felt the constant feeling of being watched. I spun around and saw what I had expected-nobody. I sprung up the stairs and dashed into my room. Palpitating, I tried to calm myself down. “Relax, it’s nothing. It’s in your head. It’s--”My thoughts were interrupted by the constant dripping of water in the bathroom. I got up and closed the tap, but the drops didn’t stop falling. It was unusual, but I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. That’s when I saw it- a fingerprint on my otherwise dry and perfectly untouched mirror.

Scared out of my wits, I assumed there was somebody in the house. I crept down the stairs with a bat in hand (just in case). Everything was ok except for the window in my parents’ bedroom. It was open and the curtains were flying. So of course I went to shut it and again looked in the mirror-this time to see a fingerprint-blood red.

And I thought I couldn’t be more scared when I heard the phone ring. (sounds clichéd, I know, but it’s true) I picked up hoping   to hear mom’s voice, but a rather raspy one said “Bad things happen at 3:13 am. Beware” I spun around to see the clock. It showed what I dreaded. 3:13 am.

Suddenly I felt a strong blow on my head, and within seconds I was pinned to the ground. A sharp object seemed to pierce me and blood trickled. Was this death? I turned to get a glimpse of the thing, only to see the most dreadful thing before my eyes…

I wake up in a pool of sweat. Phew. Just a bad dream. It was probably some stupid horror movie’s influence. I remembered I was still home alone. I felt afraid, but managed to calm myself down. I checked my phone. The time read 3:12 am.

Downstairs, I could hear the telephone ring.

- Rtr Mansi Avashia
Rotaract Club of NM College

Up for more Horror Stories? Brave enough to read another one? 😈 
Best of Luck!
"When The Clock Strikes 12" 

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