You head for the door which leads to the boss. Gently you tilt your head towards your right ...and laugh. Your menacing laugh engulfs the corridors of the citadel dispersing the deathly silence. Rotating the weapon in your hands you walk towards the door, still laughing, still head tilted, a welcome sign of escaping sanity. 


Kicking the door open, you step in. 

Lucid brightness - you instinctively shield your eyes, as you wait for them to adjust.

And then you see, a stocky figure in a lab coat - the man from the hologram - with the bright light shining from his eyes. Surrounded by all kinds of iridescent gadgets and chemicals, a smirk was discernible on his plain face.

You jump at him and strike , only to feel a sharp pain in your chest. You punch his face but it is your cheek that feels punched. Confused as you may be, you bear the pain and keep striking.

"I won't kill you , YOU will kill yourself!" says the boss with a broad smile.

But instead of weeping like a coward (which you would normally have done) your laughter resumes with renewed insanity. You rise up and start the whipping again. But suddenly the leader transforms into a little child-like figure, and your weapon stops mid-air.


Tears form in your eyes as your humanity returns on seeing your long-dead 5-year-old daughter. Your hands hesitate and your legs shake . "Daddy .. Daddy" she says and clasps your thumb in her little hand, drowning you in nostalgia. But then, the beast within rises again and takes control.


Saying so, you bring down the whip, slicing your daughter's body into two bloody uneven parts. The girl evaporates and the figure of the boss reappears in its place as you keep slashing brutally at it . "Die..Die..Die.." But every strike hurts you instead. The figure laughs. And that's when you get it...

"Nice trick, lab-coat loser. But it's check and mate now."

You step back and raise the whip and start whipping yourself. The figure screams in agony, as every slash inflicts him instead. You laugh as the body grovels in pain. As he rolls dismally on the floor, his elbow accidentally strikes a big red button.

A loud mechanical sound ensues and the floor beneath begins to open up. Y'all are dropped a few feet into some kind of basement.

The boss, bleeding profusely, speaks his dying words:

"So you've beaten me. Well done lad. Do you know why Jones and Krook - the figure you sliced up - had joined me? They both were normal humans. But they both stumbled upon my ingenious inventions that enabled them to surpass human and become monsters. That's why they stayed to try out my little toys and get stronger. But you, you've killed all of us. You've turned monster by yourself. Take care of my lab, son, I know you won't abandon it."

His bloodshot eyes shut forever. Just to be sure, you proceeded to cut off his tongue - the old fart was speaking too much.

Suddenly, scores of incomplete humanoid figures resembling Krook appear in front of you.

"Our dark master has been beaten. A darker Darkness has arrived!" says one of them in a cracking voice and the rest of the creatures bow down to you and begin to chant in unison:


An animal-like gleam appears in your eyes. You raised your hands and laugh for long seconds as a your eyeballs begin to radiate bright light. The Luminescence of The Death Citadel was now yours. 

Your mission wasn't exactly to take over the place, but things turned out as they did and you licked your lips with success as you yelled:





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