House of Horrors: Room 4

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Room 4: The Basement

The death of John reached Tim's father, Ben. A wave of guilt ran down his spine as he held himself responsible for the death of an innocent person and making a his wife a widow. He decided to marry Emily and adopt her child as a way to atonement. 

Ben tried look for various houses around the city but due to some or the other reasons, the deal was called off. He had no other option but to stay in the same house. The house where he lost his father-in-law and  his son and where Emily lost her husband. 

Emily gave birth to a baby boy , Sam and  Ben brought him up with all the love and care for Tim.
Years passed and everything turned normal. With each passing day, Ben just prayed for the well being for his family and the spirit to rest in peace. 

One day, while Sam was playing in the living room, his eyes met with a shining ball and he was instantly attracted towards it. He went to pick it up but that ball moved away. The chase began between Sam and the Ball and finally the ball went into basement. The six year old entered the basement after it and saw a boy there with the ball in his hand.  

"Who are you?" asked Sam, "and what are you doing here?" 

"Hello! I am Tim." 

Nobody ever told Sam about what happened before he was born and who his real father was. "What are you doing here?"

"I have come here to take you with me" 

"Take me where? " 

Image result for haunted basement
" A place where your dad sent me to" said Tim as tear of blood rolled down his eye.

"DADDY! WHERE ARE YOU? " yelled Sam  " I AM SCARED!" Sam started sweating and his voice started to crack. For a six year old, it was a lot to take in. 

"No point in calling OUR Dad, he won't save you, the way he didn't save me. "

With that Tim left , leaving Sam in a pool of  blood with his chest ripped open.

Think you can handle The Basement? 

-Rtr. Aashi Mehta

Coming up next, we have the master bedroom..


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