Challenge Accepted

Post 5: Say Something Challenge 

Is it an itch to accept challenges?
Or is it an abundance of time due to procrastination?
Can mere access to the internet be enough reason?
Which one is it really, that compels us to try the most meaningless and unproductive ‘challenges’ and then to wilfully embarrass ourselves by letting numerous others witness our stupidity by putting it on social media?

The ‘Say Anything Challenge’ is taking over the internet by its apparent simplicity and well, the herd mentality.
All you need is two sets of tongues and brains and you’re good to go.
The rule of this challenge is singular: Say a word when it is your turn and don’t repeat.
The word doesn’t need to be correlated to your previous word or to the one the other person just said. It’s just random words and no waiting to think them.
The catch? You get to stick a piece of tape on the face of the person who stutters and stumbles over a word or repeats it. Fun, right?
Warnings: Sticking tape to your face makes for hilarious blackmail pictures to be used by your friends.

Once you try it though, you will realize the goal is not really to say random words but to have a good time. As simple as the challenge may seem, your brain doesn’t let random be random and at some point either you or one of your friends crack up on the sequence of words and then it’s all laughter and crazy jokes.
Stupidity + Friends= Laughter now and memories in retrospection.
I suppose, that’s why we are influenced enough by the internet to go ahead with such seemingly stupid challenges because we know in the above equation, it never fails us.

By Rtr. Hargun Sachdev


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