Challenge Accepted


As we grow up, we have been constantly told to embrace the little joys that life brings us, to live every passing moment to the fullest and to find contentment in the tiniest of acts. 
Happiness. One emotion, hundreds of feelings. 
Only until this beautiful amalgamation of hysterics was given in the hands of social media to be metamorphosed into a materialistic craving. 
After meandering through the obscure trends of social media, you will surely have your definition of happiness altered.
Amongst the various other imbecile challenges flooding facebook and instagram, the #100HappyDays challenge seemed to be quite famous. Though this challenge was initiated with the sole purpose of ‘finding happiness in little things’, it gradually transcended into swanking about ‘little things’.

Uploading pictures of things that make you happy for 100 days in a row, may sound fascinating, but plunging into reality  bytes, you see the darker side of it.

You must be thinking that showing other people your little joys will make them happy as well, but let me tell you, you got it wrong. Telling your social media friends and acquaintances how shopping from H & M made your day, or how starbucks coffee bought you happiness, or how a plethora of other such things boosts your euphoria, does not make them happier. It makes them envious. 

Also, for the ones accepting the challenge, after a few days, it turns out to be nothing but forced happiness.
While bending with changing times and situations, let us not be consumed by insatiable worldly desires to excel in the art of being “cool”.
We need to redefine happiness.
Happiness is the smile on your face when you see a 6 month old crawl for the first time. Happiness is the first raindrop caressing your skin. Happiness is when you find your true love. Happiness is having mumma’s food after months. Happiness is the unforgettable memories that hang in your heart. Happiness is not letting yourself be defined by arbitrary rules of “society” and “log kya kahenge”. Happiness is living every moment. 
. Happiness is an emotion that is inexplicable
Let happiness be felt by the heart and soul, and not bragged about on facebook and instagram.


-Rtr. Anushka Mittal


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