Touch of Mankind.

Passage 10 : Strive against addiction.

"I originally belong to the interiors of Bihar. In my early twenties , I started smoking. The causal puffs became a routine and even before I realize it, I was already caught up in the habit of smoking. I started  having fights with my family almost everyday and then one day , I ran away from my family and came to Mumbai. I was still an addict and could think of no way to quit it. After few months of just wandering the city ,I found a job as a construction site worker. The wages that I earned, were completely spent on cigarettes. One day, I heard my co-workers taking about some rehabilitation center that can help me quit my addiction. I attended the center for 3 months and it did work. I felt as if I got a rebirth and this time I wouldn't waste it. It has been almost 10 years since I came to Mumbai and now as a part-time security guard and as a worker at a jewellery shop , I earn enough to send some money back to my family and feed myself. Life here hasn't been easy but now I am used to the difficulties."


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