The eyes that glowed

Her bloodshot eyes struggled to look beyond the raging fire that approached her like death, approached everyone, slowly but surely. She tried to slide back; she dragged herself, her limbs struggling to keep up with the situation. She dropped down and her eyes gently began to close and the last thing she saw was the log house burn to ashes.

Her eyes opened to a canopy of trees. The rays of the sun pierced through a small gap right through to the insides of her retina. Her body was numb and her mind was like a blank sheet. Just when she saw the burnt front tip of her shoe, an eagle swooped right above her head, welcoming her to this deadly world where an opportunity lost was a war lost. Her body balanced itself as she stood up, stumbling again, only to fall down. Suddenly, there were soft thuds that echoed in her ears as she lay on the ground in the forest. It grew louder and louder gradually.

The wind was lashing against her face as she dodged everything on her way, to escape the man eating beast centimeters behind her. She screamed as she sprinted, the excruciating pain almost took over entire body. The beast’s eyes glowed, bright red in colour, across the moonlit night sky. It was a slender creature, but it was dynamic; with a growl that could send tremors right down to one’s soul.

The beast slowly stopped. The entire forest shook when it roared louder than an alpha lion, as she climbed up the tree. The forest looked scary from atop the tree.

 She breathed a sigh of relief as she lay down on the branch that separated the beast below her from her. She had fought to live another day. The ground felt soft next morning and she wandered off in search of food and water. She followed birds in hope that she would find water, and was lead to a fast flowing river, the area around which seemed uninhabited. Just when she got her face close to the water, an arrow ripped right through a wave, as it flew right past her, leaving her thankful for those millimeters of space.

The red head gear of the tribal men was of an odd shape. Their bodies seemed to camouflage with the surroundings. The weapons that they carried were of multifarious shapes, and were soft rocks chiseled with great skill. She gently slid back and managed to save herself. Suddenly, the arrows stopped. Their footsteps exposed their plan to attack her from all sides, and she tactfully hid herself by rolling over and falling into the river.

As she felt the cold river water, her dog continued to lick her on her queen size bed, in her cosy house tucked into the belly of the city. She opened her eyes and stood up, not knowing what to derive from that dream. As she exited her room, her dog’s eyes glowed, bright red...

- Rtr Utsavaa Giridharan
Rotaract Club of NM College

And her ends our Initiative, "Adrenaline".

Thank you!


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