
Wake up HARRY! Wake up brother!! I visualized something"

"It's 3 in the morn,let me sleep"

" I visualized about Eve, she's alive"

"Don't you dare start visualizing again. You seriously need some psychological treatment" 
"Harry, we can save her"

"Tesa, GO TO SLEEP " 


Harry is my elder brother who's doing his engineering. I don't know why he always finds me stupid. He thinks I have some psychological problems.

I get premonitions. Which is unusual out here. I can visualize the things which normal people can't.  And this time I visualized about Eve.
Eve is my younger sister who's been missing since 3 months. There's no trace of her. Cops had been trying to find her since weeks but. Eve's gone somewhere...


The  next morning Harry came up to me and said that he wants to know more about my vision. He couldn't sleep the rest of the night because of this. 

"Tesa tell me clearly what did you visualize!?"

"I saw eve at the Havana port. She had tears in her eyes. And she was not alone... she had many girls around her."

"Havana port? You sure? Was it in daylight?"

"No. It was dark" I silently said.
Harry looked confused. After 10 mins of thinking he said " Let's go to the port."

"NOW?" My eyes wide open.

"Yes. Be ready in 5. "

Our house was 2 hours drive from the port. 

We left for the port on our motorcycle. 

Reaching the port we saw large cargoes and large ships which a lot of people around. We finally found a man wearing the blue uniform with HAVANA PORT written in bold. 

Harry went to inquire about the ships recently sent.

I was standing at a corner when something shiny caught my glance. 

I picked it up.

DAMN. It was sister's identity card. 

That surely means my premonitions are correct. 

My head starts aching then I could see my sister in a huge ship with hundreds like her. They were going somewhere I couldn't figure out where and then I heard a voice from behind.

"Tesa are you okay? " Harry looked tensed.

I showed him the identity card. He became stunned. 

I told him about my next premonition too. 

He told me to wait till it gets dark to find out the secret.

After waiting for almost 6 hours I saw a group of girls who are tied up. We hid behind the bush to see what's happening. The girls were sent inside a ship. We silently followed. 

From the second gate we entered the ship. The ship started sailing. 

We hid on the basement of the ship behind the cargoes. 

Luckily we had some food with us. 

After constant travelling for 3 days we reached Thailand. 

What if my sister... Ugh  no! Tesa be positive. I just couldn't divert myself from it. Harry came and hugged me tightly and ensured that everything'll be fine. 

"All we have to do is follow this girls" 

We quietly followed them with all the possible precautions.

These people were taking these girls to a big mansion. 

There was tight security all around. We had no chance to go in and then suddenly Harry threw the dustbin down. This diverted the attention of the guards and within no time we were inside the mansion. 

I saw an auction going on. Crap! They were selling girls.  What if Eve? Tears started rolling down my eyes.

Harry called up the cops at that time. The cops arrived in no time. 

The siren itself made a huge chaos over there. 

We took the opportunity and went to find Eve. 
Finally we found eve sitting in a corner sobbing. 

I went and hugged Eve.

"Dee, Go away! These people won't leave you"
"Eve, darling nothing'll be wrong. We are here to save you."

"They'll catch us"

"Nothing's happening sweetie. The cops are here."

The goons got arrested in the case of women trafficking.

And now again I have to share my room with Eve.

My premonitions saved my baby sister.

- Rtr Aashi Mehta
  Rotaract Club of NM College

The clue to the next article is :

Where you hear the owls chatter while your teeth clatter,
Where an opportunity lost is a war lost
Where beasts induce fright,
Where nature laughs at your ‘might’...

Let's see how smart-witted you are to  answer this riddle and thus, guess the theme of the next article... 


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