The Terrace: Guest Post

I'm not a firm believer in ghosts and spirits, as such, but during the wee hours of the night when I have to sleep, it's ALL I can think about, and, it scares me. My best friend believes in everything related with the supernatural, and she's had many stories to tell us about the kind of eerie things happening in her life.

Last year, for my birthday the four of us were up at my terrace late in the evening. We were just watching some movies and eating, when all of a sudden she wanted to leave and go back downstairs. Under no circumstances was I packing up and leaving to go down when it was so nice up there.

She swore she saw some strange whitish figure in the adjoining terrace at least three times, swooshing past our side of the terrace, she was terrified. Obviously we didn't leave until we were done, also as we went down, nothing happened. I still go up to my terrace for listening to music and to relax for a while, but now, even though I know with full confidence that there is absolutely nothing eerie up there, I'm always a little jumpy when the wind knocks against the door.

It's been a year and yet she won't come back on the terrace no matter how much I tell her that she was in all probability hallucinating that night. Groggy eyes can have that effect. Although, I do very much believe that my hall is haunted because whenever I get up to have water close to midnight, I get the weirdest vibes walking through the corridor.

Rtr Aashna Shah.
Rotaract Club Of UPG

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