

While I agree that Diamonds do cost a lot, memories are still the most precious things in the world.

Memories are endless. You create them even while thinking !

Memories are our identity. They formulate who we are in our heads. As you may have heard, it's important to know yourself. Well, just take the statement literally and then imagine how important it is to literally know who you are ! Imagine what would happen if you were to lose your memory.Short term memory loss sounds good only from the movie's perspective. In reality it will be a very scary situation. Also, just as a disclaimer, this post wasn't sponsored by any of the tattoo studios.

Memories are lessons from the past. Memories are reminders which let us know that there were times of happiness and that grief is short lived. People remember various things. I remember watching cartoons after school, they shaped a major part of my childhood. I remember the first time I drove a car,scary yet so much fun. It's these little yet defined acts which can turn into some of the most cherishable memories.

Can memories be happy or sad ? Not really. Memories are relative and hence they can only be pleasant or unpleasant. Slipping on a banana peel was a very unpleasant memory for me, but my sadistic (yet lovely) friends remember the moment as a very pleasant one.

Memories are created all the time. Everything is registered, classified and sorted in this little brain of ours. There are some unforgettable moments which turn into memories whereas mundane events are forgotten. What does this suggest ? It suggests that when we do something different/creative/special/out of the ordinary/Unexpected/for the first time, we make memories, and hence, it's increasingly important to try and make our lives interesting.

How do we make our lives interesting? 
Well it's for you to find out ! But trust me, the exercise of finding answer to this question will certainly be your greatest memory. Go out and explore,sky is the limit. Make pleasant memories and share them with us. 
                         - Rtr Aakash Rathi

If you wish to share some of your crazy memories, please leave a message in the comments section. Thank you.

P.S.: A quick reminder, RCNM is going to celebrate Hallowe'en with a horror fortnight. We're all set to don our ghastly attire.. Keep checking this space for more.. And it's going to be scary..


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