My Relationship With Animals


For us humans relationships with animals are complex and multifaceted. We are a part of this huge ecosystem and hence we feel an extremely strong connection to the natural world therefore we are capacitated to form bonds with animals just as strong as human bonds. I have never had an opportunity to have pets in my life, but i have always felt a strong affinity towards animals.

Each animal that i have had around has taught me something very different about unconditional love and obedience or just simply caring cor another living being irrespective of reciprocation of any of it. They have taught me patience. These relationships can be incredibly rewarding, but they also require responsibility and care.

An incident which was one of the most impactful experiences in my life that taught me about the deep rooted feelings that I have for the animals was my time at the gir safari.

Seeing the majestic cheetahs, lions, bulls, rhinos in their natural habitats was extremely exhilarating. It made me realize how important it is to protect these animals and their habitats forbthe future generations to witness.

Today I continue to believe that animals are the best companions to humans. But apart from this I have also learned abou the spiritual aspects of human animal relationships.In many spiritual traditions, the relationship between humans and animals is seen as one of interconnectedness and interdependence. This perspective emphasizes the need for humans to respect and care for animals and their habitats. For instance, in Buddhism, the concept of Ahimsa extends to all living beings, including animals.similarly, Native American cultures believe that animals have spiritual powers and can act as guides or messengers from the spirit world. 

As i grow older, I see myself developing a deeper appreciation for animals beyond just having them as cohabitants on earth. I have become interested and intrigued by the animal conservation plans and programs. 

In conclusion, my relationship with animals has been one of growth, learning affection and admiration. From looking at animals in the zoo as a little kid and realising the wrongs done to animals to experiencing wildlife in its habitat, animals have played a significant role in my life. They have taught me the importance of compassion, empathy and caring for other living beings, and I will always be grateful for every lesson they taught me.

-Rtr. Saniya Kawad


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