The Evil Within


As the last man on the earth sat alone in a room, he heard a constant knocking on his head, like something was going to explode. But something did explode, didn't it? The evil inside him did. Loud music came from the adjoining room but he almost slipped into an imaginary movie reel of all the devilish thoughts, actions, and traits he had let unfold in the past years. The music became almost deafening when he came to realise that in fact, he wasn't the last man on the earth, but he sure was the loneliest.

With Halloween around the corner and all the peachy clothes we're wearing, it took a bit of introspection for us to dive deep into the evil inside us as humans. And since we are so well-versed with our infamous Halloween characters, we hereby try to compare our evil with their traits. Let's start with zombies, shall we?

Zombies always represent ‘the other’ – the stranger, the outcast, the dark force, it exposes the underlying racial tensions amongst the society. The dehumanizing treatment of the lower cast – to ostracise outsiders, and relegate them to a lower social class people depicts the inner evilness of humans. So let’s empathize with ‘the other’, cross the line and embrace the outsiders as we do ourselves.

Zombies are communal. Zombies are like culture gone awry. They vaguely share proximity, but there is no accord among them. Like them, humans are so consumed with the small-time pursuits that we cannot read in or reach out to one another. We do not coordinate to achieve concurrence. We are in the company, but not together such absent minded are we. We are surrounded, but alone. We lack culture.Sometimes it’s tough to decide whether we live life or is it just a hallucination. 

Zombies feed on brains. No matter how much a zombie devours, it will continue feeding for as long as it is able to. The zombie represents raw consumption. It does not seem to imbibe the things it consumes; it simply extinguishes them. A zombie never stops eating, but never grows or changes. In its insatiability, the zombie has put its face to the disorder of addiction. Like zombies, we humans crave with absolute singularity, and the craving has become our nature. We are constantly filling, but we never get full.

Zombies are tagged ugly: dead, rotting, stinking, without vitals, lacking the spirit that makes one human being attractive to another. We, humans have made physical beauty such a worldwide myth that we cannot see anything beyond it. The English idiom "don't judge a book by its cover" is a metaphorical phrase that means one shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone. And it seems that we humans are not learned enough to understand the meaning of the idiom.

Zombies are untouchable. Touch is the arbiter of “real”. Those with whom we are intimate are more real to us. Objects we have handled are more real to us. Emotions we have felt are more real to us. Losing touch costs us our grasp on reality. So why till today is untouchability still being practiced? 

Moving on to a similar, equally deadly species: blood-sucking vampires.

Vampires are considered cold blooded. Sometimes humans can have no sense of emotions when they are engulfed with anger, destress, or pure revenge. The ones who are aware of every happening yet they choose to ignore it just because it doesn’t benefit them. They are so full of themselves that eventually they’ll make someone's life passionless and force them to live a certain lifestyle just because there is no other option. And then comes into picture, depression. People nowadays are sad eyes and happy selfies. Depression is usually fuelled by overthinking, self criticism and judgements. Society plays a crucial role to plant an evil inside a mind. The limitless comments about one's failure, remarks about one's character, all this have forced the evilness and dark fears to grow. Depression is just a person surrounded by dark mist.

Vampires drink the blood of their prey to survive. A neck bite on the right vein and the prey is dead. Likewise, humans also take from others, what isn't even theirs to be at the top. They cheat, lie, steal, break and hurt people only because they want to be the centre of attention. For humans, dissolving in popularity is the same as a blood bath for a vampire. Some evil minds know exactly which rumour or failure to pick on to send a person into a breakdown and practice defamation.

Vampires are known for their heightened senses. They can walk fast and run faster. They have the ability to hear things which a normal ear cannot. Some of them also possess superpowers. Likewise, humans possess talents and skills. They have the capability to enhance everything. But not always are these powers or talents or skills used in a positive way. All a person thinks about is how he can misuse his valuables and reach heights. To become powerful, there's no limit high enough.

Vampires are very famous for their ability to morph (changing your opinions within seconds) and aren't even aware of what they are actually thinking. Vampires will be goody-goody to you in the beginning and as soon as you are convinced, a loud roar and fangs will be on you, sucking every drop of blood from your body. Likewise, humans are very talented at morphing. They are double faced. Outside, they will be an ideal person- someone the society adores but inside they don’t care about the individuals they have hurt to create that image. They can fall to the lowest levels and adopt the cheapest tricks and inappropriate means to survive in a society and maintain the so called standards of living. They’ll promise you something in return for a favour that you do for them and as soon as they have achieved whatever they wished for, you are profoundly kicked out.

Vampires lust for blood. They’ll never stop, as soon as they smell blood, they are intoxicated and they chase their prey. Similarly, humans have lust for physical intercourse and being dominant. All they want is to be involved with a body. In villages, where women are treated as garbage, violated by their family members, harassed by the males, they are asked to be quiet about everything. When a woman stands up for herself, a man’s ego is hurt, and he and the society together try to suppress her. This is so common that it is considered normal and okay, which is incorrect.Thus, humans lust for ego, superiority never ever dies. 

Guess it was too much to read at one sitting. We'll come up with another blog which will send shivers up your spine, until then look out for the evil around you and INSIDE YOU!

-Team Editorials


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