USA and Black Lives Matter

A rising tide lifts all boats… 

The Black Lives Matter is a significant movement which inspires millions round the world to be an anti
racist rather than a non racist. As many governments across the world have adopted this ideology and
brought about revolutionary changes in sectors which dominated black community. They even openly
supported Black Lives Matter movement in order to end the cruel and unjust tradition of racism in their
respective countries.

Let’s swing a pendulum and land on United States of America which is the birth place of
Why USA?
United States of America being the epicenter of the movement Black Lives Matter, is also regarded as
the most powerful country in the world from being a super power to having a veto power. Name it and
United States of America has it. Since childhood every child dreams to go to United States of America to
study or work at least once in their life time.Such a country with colossal reputation shockingly or rather
sadly had a huge impact in the existence of prevailing injustice towards black race people. United States
of America is the origin of trending #BlackLivesMatter, post which it became a massive movement “The
Black Lives Matter Movement.” The country of countries, had seen multiple protests under the banner black lives matter due to the cruel behaviour by its white race citizens towards the black race
community. Such is the dedication of the activists of black lives matter in United States of America that
even during the pandemic they organised protests to show their anger against the gruesome deathof
George Floyd so much so that they have painted a mural in front of the Trump Tower. The major
protests that had ever lhappened under the BLM banner were in Ferguson, Missouri. Through the
constant efforts of activists like Johnetta Elzie, DeRay Mckesson and many more the goal of attaining an
anti racist and just society will be ultimately achieved.
The Africans due to lack of opportunities and in search of jobs migrated to America with the hope to
meet their ends. Not only were they disrespected but also abandoned on the basis of racism.
Although,self respect stopped them but hunger forced them to become a slave. That’s the sole reason
as not everything that we faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until we face it.
And that’s how the sailing boat won’t stop until it hits the shore

-Team Editorials


  1. Woahh... Keep it up.
    Looking forward to read more and acknowledge about the whole issue
    Thank you for being such a good source of information 😊


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