
There is no place like home.
The very word brings a plethora of memories and a picture as clear as day to our mind. I have always wondered what does home mean to me?
Is it the city I have grown up in or the 3BHK in Kandivali? Will it be the apartment I always planned to live in, run with the money I will soon earn as a tribute to my independence? Will I like some, find the comfort of home in the different countries I will travel to and with the strangers who will eventually become family?
During this lockdown, I have come to hate the word “home” because I can’t leave the place. I have to do much more than my share of chores to keep my “home” clean and the only view I ever see is of the buildings surrounding it.
I am sure all of you are tired to see the same people, follow the same routine; wake up, do your chores, study(in my case), watch Netflix and sleep; god knows I am. I am so frustrated, I want to pull my hair out.
While cleaning I pulled out the few photos I have of the trips I have been on and a few of my best moments with my friends and family and I came to a revelation.
Over the years “HOME” to me has come to mean a feeling of comfort, a sense of belonging, ek apanapan in the moment; but mainly it means being myself.
Sitting on a rock in the middle of a river in Leh Ladakh, running up the sand dunes in the deserts in Dubai with my family friends, playing dumb charades with my best friends, playing cards with my family, watching Singham with my brother and dad and mouthing the dialogues are the moments that bring an involuntary smile to my face and make me nostalgic.
Home is a feeling created by millions of beautiful moments; so during this lockdown, learn to appreciate the true meaning of home and celebrate it.
Home is where love resides, memories are created, where friends and family belong and a place where laughter never fades.

Rtr. Aesha Gandhi


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