
"History" has indeed lived up to it's name – starting from 1720 with plague, 1820 with cholera, 1920 with the Spanish flu, to 2020 with COVID-19. The pandemic has affected millions of lives already. Today, when we speak of the COVID-19, the fear of death comes to our minds. Corona virus having been originated in China, has caused chaos worldwide, with Italy leading the list of countries affected. Recently, reports have shown doctors returning from Wuhan after their success in treating infected patients.
        Dating back to the initial days of January, a doctor had discovered a new virus after which he warned his medical colleagues, says media.The government silenced Dr Li, as it felt that he was spreading rumours. Had China taken Dr Li's discovery seriously,  there wouldn't be a global emergency. Two days ago, the Communist Party of China sent a ‛solemn apology’ to Dr Li's family.  Unfortunately, Dr Li passed away after warning about the COVID - 19. During the primary stages of the spread of this deadly virus in Wuhan, there are videos which show that people who were affected with COVID- 19 were not allowed to come out of their homes and if they tried to come out of their homes, they were locked using steel rods by the police.These patients ultimately died, because they were denied medical treatment.
       Today, India stands with all its vigour and unity to fight this virus before it gets worse. Our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech was indeed effective; JANTA - CURFEW, just as the name says ‛Care for you;’ referring to the people(Janta).  It is a sad truth to know that people who boast about being well educated and well stelled in life, have themselves violated the rules. India's number of confirmed cases is rising with every  passing minute and till date 6 deaths have been reported, with Maharashtra leading in the no of deaths- 2 and the number of infected patients. The citizens who are risking their lives for us, deserve honour and appreciation, and should be acknowledged. This was done by us Indians by standing in our respective balconies and clapping for 5 minutes at what 5 pm. Surprisingly, many people came out  to thank the doctors and other people engaged in the fight against the virus. Coming to the precautionary measures taken, the lockdown of government offices, private enterprises,  markets and the shut down of railway services from today midnight; these are followed in order to avoid the spread of the virus. Countries like Italy, UK, USA are facing high number of casualties with the death toll of Italy crossing 4000.
          In the one and only ‛language’ which is understood by all humanity, regardless of their caste, religion, colour; the language being ‛LANGUAGE OF THE HEART.’ All we can do is pray for the well being of our brothers and sisters across the globe.
( Let all be happy)

Rtr. Ishvari Madeka


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