Finding Security in Insecurity


You must've heard people talking a lot these days about feminism, equality, politics, mental health, LBTQ etc. But I guess we've never had anyone talk about our insecurities and how they affect our lives. And to your surprise, it's something that you've already experienced at some point or the other without even realizing it! So let's refresh your memory and talk it out.

What is insecurity? Yes, the feeling of self doubt we get on seeing others prosper. The timidity we feel on being rejected in front of a bunch of people, the self confidence we lose while watching others overtake us on the ladders of success. And it's completely alright to feel all of this, it's human nature!
In fact, sometimes it is our insecurities that push us to come out of our comfort zone and put our best foot forward. But it works only if we turn around our insecurities and take them in sportingly. Sulking and crying are the side effects you need to avoid.

Just because Riya won the elocution competition which everyone had believed you to win, it doesn't make you any smaller than her. Instead, learning where you went wrong, mending your ways and fighting back harder will make you what you wish to be. Keep learning from your mistakes, you make them for a reason. Each mistake brings you an inch closer to perfection, and that is what we all want, don't we?

There's no need to feel embarrassed if, while facing a huge crowd, you falter and fumble over the easiest word ever. If you look at it from a bigger point of view, you'll know that it doesn't even matter. It's just a word after all! Why should that word decide your levels of hesitation and confidence? It's you who gets to decide! You're much more that that single word, and just imagine, you're giving it the power to control you. That's probably the worst things that can even happen, please don't let that happen.

We live in a world where we frequently see the edited version of people’s lives. Facebook friends seem to be forever sharing all their wonderful moments. YouTube videos capture the incredible talents of otherwise average looking people. It’s awe-inspiring… and, unfortunately, it is also often demoralizing. You may find it difficult not to compare yourself to it all, thinking: Their lives are amazing! They have such talent! And as for my life and me… well, I just don’t match up.

Insecurities are an important part of 'us'. You might not realize it now, but in the long run you'll see how the fear of getting insecure would have led you to newer heights and greater opportunities.
We need to understand that insecurities are mere intangible mistakes which, if not overcome, can act as severe obstructions.

Insecurities are what make us human. I'm not even kidding when I say that it's a good thing to be insecure, it makes you strive for nothing but the best. But anything in excess is not good. Insecurities should also be kept under check, never let it eat you up from within.
Instead of finding “evidence” to prove your inferiority, choose to remind yourself that you are not alone—you struggle just as every other human does

So let's all hug our insecurities and thank them, for they have always helped us in becoming the way we are today. Embrace your faults and you'll find them turn to flawlessness.

Rtr. Zalak Sanghavi


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