Drop By Drop

Drop By Drop

Today when we talk about polio, we think of a disease which can be prevented by taking polio drops up to the age of 5 years. That is the last interaction that most of the current generation has had with polio. Almost no one we know has been diagnosed with polio- the paralytic infection. India has not had a polio infection since 2011.

One of the main reasons that we are able live polio free lives is the Rotary International which started its immunization plan 1979. In 1916 alone over 8000 people were lost to polio. The Salk’s Vaccine wasn’t discovered till 1955 and the oral vaccine a few years later.  In 1988 along with the World Health Organization, it launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Along with other partners, Rotary has helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries. They have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide.

They have worked to eradicate polio drop by drop. It is high time that we too join them by spreading awareness about polio. It is not a harmless disease which passes over like a mild fever after taking medicine. It affects your nervous system, paralyses you and in some cases may lead to death. Polluted Drinking water is one of the main sources of polio.

“It is our good fortune to live in a polio free India. It is our duty to see that it remains that way”

World Polio Day – 24th October

-Rotaract Club of N. M. College


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