Worlds Collide

Worlds Collide

“The world is a book; those who do not travel read only a page.”

Where does the world end? Some say it is the earth. Some say it is at the end of time-where you see tomorrow just over the horizon as today ebbs away. I say the earth is your world not everyone’s. Today is your world not everyone’s. Those before us have also experienced the world. Those further from us have also experienced the world. What we experienced is our world, not everyone’s. There are no boundaries just limits to imagination. 

When you change something in your world, your butterfly effect changes parts of some others. Our world too is limitless. You just have to connect your world with everyone else’s. You have to work to expand it. You have to enter everyone’s world. The only people in your world are those whose worlds you unknowingly stumbled upon.  

Every world is a blend of reality and wishful thinking. We try to shape our world how we think it should be. Up to some extent we do manage to mould the world. The rest of it is all reality and parts of other worlds. Of whatever importance our world may be, ours is not the only one. Everyone deserves to experience some of our world. Our world should be without boundaries. They cannot stop people. It is your thoughts that repel people. The world is not yours. It is for everyone.



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