A Beginning

“Genius is perseverance.While genius doesn’t entirely consist of editing,But without editing it’s pretty useless.”

Writing brings tranquility to my troubled soul. I could write for hours even on the trifling topics. Or may be just on the trifling topics (:P). At such instances, words became nothing but my old, sympathetic acquaintances. Without bringing any changes, these drafts were kept at places where only I could visit them. But if not so, if there were people who were supposed to read them, then I was forced to be imprisoned behind those bars which were nothing but my former intentions; and be under the surveillance of that abusive warden who was but my own neuroticism. But no longer do I hold such views so strongly…

Last year, when I worked as a departmental executive for the Editorials Avenue of Rotaract Club of NM College, I unfolded something new. While editing, I used to often find some bewitching presents which had never crossed my mind earlier, which did put me into raptures, and all this was achieved only after removing layers of crumpled brown paper from some awkwardly shaped parcels. Everything was definitely worth it.

And that is what I hope; no, I wouldn’t use this word. No one probably detests this word more than I do. Subjective.

Umm… Where was I? Yes. And that is what I WANT to do. Bring some beautiful topics. Bring some pretty smiles. Bring something for someone to ponder upon. And I know I’ll succeed. After all I have got the best, Rtr Aman Vasavada, Rtr Utsavaa Giridharan and Rtr Eera Bhatt, my SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS Departmental Executives on my side!

Happy Reading! ^_^

-Rtr Vaishali Munjyasara

Editor 2015-16,

Rotaract Club of NM College


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