
Do you know what it is you feel when you find yourself in danger? 

Do you know what it is when you do not want to let someone you love out of your sight; the persistent force that propels you to act recklessly when your life steers out of your control?

It is Fear. 

The four-lettered demon, which sells your sanity when you are not able to escape a locked door in an alien room, is fear. The emotion that you are compelled to feel in a fight or flight situation. It ensnarls you in its paws, so much so that you eventually start taking refuge in it. A shrink would probably tell you that your fear is just a mental state and that you are the only one who can fight it and all that jazz. 

Your love is what actually triggers fear. Your attachment to your life, your devotion towards your loved one, the rush and insecurity you get with the knowledge that there’s someone waiting for you to go back to them, is what triggers fear. It hardly matters if you feel it and you see that other’s don’t, because it’s not so. It’s a lost cause if you try to discern your love from fear. Try as you may, the sense of belonging will always stay with you, and along with it comes its evil spawn fear.

Every life treading the planet suffers from this epidemic of ‘fear’. So do not consider yourself to be the lone bearer of it. Masked by each face is some insecurity borne by the soul. 

One is most vulnerable to the antagonist when they are lonely. They live in fear and cautiousness, with no hints of love and trust. Do you know what they do? They get up, and get even. They beat fear at its own game. They hate it so much that fear becomes their greatest strength. When you can’t beat them, join them. 

The challenge is not how you avert fear or how well you duel with it, as a matter of fact, the challenge is how well you embrace it; how you materialise fear to be your greatest strength. However complicated your fear maybe, never succumb to it. Sculpt them into being a part of you. Let them be a part of your existence.

It’s trepidation that makes you realise the worth of things you might tend to overlook. It is not always a pleasant feeling, but it sure gives you a sense of awareness of the things you still have to cherish.  

The world would lose its charm if it wasn’t for fear… Moreover, Isn’t it better to end up where you are supposed to be rather than where you want to be?

- Sanjana Vaghani

Slang of the day! - Pissed

This one is undoubtedly one of the most misunderstood, or rather wrongly used, slangs. Most people think that getting pissed is getting angry. But that would be getting 'pissed off'!
If you are pissed, it generally means that 'you are drunk'. People visit bars and pubs to get 'pissed'. The correct usage of getting pissed is important. 

Caution: It is advisable not 'piss around' (fool about) with this word- high chances of others getting 'pissed off'!


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