Chowmein? Lets take a trip to the ganga, son!

So I am a feminist and that doesn't stop me from letting men drop me home. Why would it when we have people with mentalities like the Haryana khap panchayat roaming around. I am scared for myself.

I mean Indian societies have always blamed women for provoking men. You wear clothes that are remotely revealing and men's fantasies are woken from their slumber. I mean of course it’s not their fault. Where the people are going to blame the women for provoking the man, for dressing inappropriately, for mixing with men, for being progressive, why would a man think twice before actually doing it?

Yes, the right advice is for women to not disregard their safety, to learn self defense, to make smart decisions. No but our country is full of politicians and moral police called the Khap that think eating chowmein leads to increase in rape. (I am not making this up!)

It is indeed the Chinese. Lets blame them for all our problems. Can the man be disrespectful of a woman and hence be driven to it? Can he look at women as nothing but an object for his momentary pleasure and hence disregard the impact a rape can have on her? No No! Those are definitely not the reasons. It is the freaking chowmein. That is what it is.

And the Khap’s solution is that women should be married off at 16. That would reduce the rapes, of course. There were 9 year old’s and 14 year old’s in the 17 number tally but marrying them off early seems like the answer. The old are definitely wise I say.

Mamata banerjee says it’s because we are mixing freely. When women were made to sit in houses and not have jobs along with men; then it was fine. Absolutely fine. Men can’t be around women and not want to rape them. The blasphemy.

And finally let’s not forget our beloved congress minister Dharamvir Goyat who thinks that 90% of rape cases are consensual. And I am not being mean or anything when I say this; but that is exactly how rapists think, that the victim wants to be raped. And we have a minister who thinks the same. Being ruled by people with the same views? Finally!

What do I do? I still let my male colleagues drop me home when its late. The feminist in me hopes there will be a day when I won't do so. And Mamata Banerjee, the “mixing with men freely” is actually keeping me safe. Just saying.

- Rtr. Trupthi Shetty, loves Chinese food!


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