
Showing posts from October, 2022

Digital Diary - Edition 7

  The Tunnel Ends Where is the line between hoping for the best for someone and expecting them to achieve it? I'm not saying it's wrong to expect things. We're humans, it's natural for us to expect things from one another. What's wrong is to put your expectations on someone else because you want them to achieve them. I know those people want the best for me, but where is the line between hoping that I do my best and expecting it out of me every single time? When setting goals, if one takes into account every person's needs from them, the pressure would be endless. It would be like fighting a constant battle against the voices in your head to do better so that you are never satisfied with what you have already accomplished. Doing exactly that made me wish I could rip my hair out. Leave my very being and just stop. I often thought if I have to see my life as a movie what would I see? What parts would I put? When I turn old and frail would I be proud of the life I ...

Writing a Silent Play

  When we first hear the word ‘play’ we instantly think of dialogues and actions. Those are arguably two of the most important components of a play. But what if a play had to be written without dialogues – a silent play. When writing a silent play, there are a few aspects one must take into consideration such as specifying the location, differentiating characters from one another, etc. • Actions and Message Since there are no dialogues, the action portrayed must be clearly visualized. It will be the driving force for the play to move from one scene to another. While writing a script, one must think about what they want their story to portray. Since silent plays lack dialogues or sounds, the message of the play must be clearly seen in the acting. The writer must emphasize each scene’s location, character moods and how the action plays out. The underlying message or mood must also be clearly portrayed. • Characterization by using Visual Stereotypes Characters must be distingui...

Digital Diary - Edition 7

  Falling Down When you've always been a ‘bright’ child from a young age, there come certain inherent expectations of you. Expectations to stand out more, to achieve something greater, to be someone better. And when you fall short of those expectations the disappointment is like no other. From a very young age, I was expected to excel in everything. It didn’t help that I was exceptionally well at studies either. I was always told I’d do great things. And to a fifth grader, of course, it sounded beautiful, to be told that I could achieve whatever I wanted. But as I grew up, the things expected from me started to feel like an endless chasm, where no matter how much I tried to climb out, I just kept on falling. At some point the adding expectations became suffocating. Everything I did, I was scared of failing. I was so scared that I didn’t even try. If there were no expectations, there couldn’t be any disappointments. For the longest time, I tried to do things that were safe for me, a...