The Future is Bright - Windows 10 Review
The latest update by Microsoft for Windows namely Windows 10 released on Wednesday 26th July, 2015. Microsoft skipped the Windows 9 update stating that this would be complete Revamp with a completely new User Interface, Loaded with more features, lighter and much more cleaner. Here's a quick review of Windows 10: Starting on with the review the points that I will be covering would be:- 1. Comparison with previous versions 2. Start Menu and Task bar 3. Microsoft edge (Project Spartan) 4. Multi-Tasking 5. Microsoft Store and Other Applications 6. New Graphic Interface 7. Cortona (not available in India) 8. Tablet Mode 1. Comparison with previous versions Compared to the previous version I won’t say that it is a major update by Microsoft because it seems that it is blend of Windows 7 and Windows 8 with some extra features. It seems Microsoft has played it safe this time contrary to what they had done last time with Windows 8. Windows 7 and 8 users won...